2 5 Days to Decorate- Day 1

Hey, all!

It's day 1 of #5days2decor8! Today's theme is your dream bedroom. Here is mine.

Much thanks to @Decor8yourlife for inspiring me to make this with her Victoria's Secret themed bedroom!

So have fun designing your dream bedroom, and I hope it turns out great. I'd love for you to fill out the form on the 5days2decor8 tab submit your drawings to colourfuldecortationsemail@gmail.com. Your work can then be featured on this blog!

Good luck ^_^


  1. WoW! This is fantastic Constance! You are so talented! You have inspired ME to continue to search high and low, and continue to post material that we can all benefit from. ;)

  2. I'm so glad to hear that!


Thanks so much for commenting. It makes us really happy, and we'll be sure to reply back or leave a comment on your own site. Have a great day!